Bioswale Growing Media
A bioswale is a landscape element that is designed to capture and filter contaminants and sediments from stormwater runoff.
Our Bioswale mixes mitigate a variety of organic and inorganic compounds that can pollute water. These include silt, pesticides, heavy metals and more. All mixes include high quality organic amendment which provides a carbon source as a value to filter water a well as increases beneficial bacteria and fungi for soil health and root growth.
Gail Materials 80/20 Bioswale Growing Media is designed to satisfy requirements of set forth in the most recent Best Management Practices (BMP) and Low Impact Development (LID) Manuals in Southern California.
Our 80/20 Bioswale Growing Media is a blend of 80% ASTM C33 sand to 20% high quality organic amendment by volume. This material provides excellent drainage and aeration characteristics while also serving as an excellent root zone to support a broad range of project-appropriate plants while help to filter pollutants from water before it reaches storm drains.
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